You have reached the strength level of a general of the forces of the Kingdom of Zexel.
Type Class
Rarity Rare
Enhancement Default Enhancement
Level 1
Stack 1x
Quantity 1x
Shop Cost 0 ZC
Game Quantity 94x
Temporary No
VIP Only No
Marketable Yes
Sellable Yes
Rank B
Tank Melee
This class shows the strength of a true General of the Kingdom of Zexel.
Mana regeneration methods
Regenerate your mana through your skills and by attacking monsters.
Stats description
A ground-focused class with very strong resistance but slightly lower damage for one of its tier.
Attacks of a true general of the empire of zexel hand-to-hand combat.
1 Target
Damage Base 15
Mana Cost 0
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Auto
Cooldown 3 seconds
Hit Targets 1x
Mana Increase 15%
Uses mana skills that envelop your sword in flames to deliver a powerful attack.
1 Target
Damage Base 800
Mana Cost 20
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Physical
Cooldown 3 seconds
Hit Targets 1x
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 1 second
Causes multiple cuts to the enemy, causing powerful damage.
2 Target
Damage Base 900
Mana Cost 30
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Physical
Cooldown 4 seconds
Hit Targets 2x
This skill uses techniques along with mana to increase your evasion by 7% and your damage resistance by 10% for 4 seconds and regen 25% you life.
1 Target
Damage Base 0
Mana Cost 0
Distance Near
Affects Self
Type Physical
Cooldown 4 seconds
Hit Targets 1x
Health Increase 20%
Mana Increase 25%
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 3 seconds
SelfEvasion +7
SelfDamage Resistance +10
Unloads all its force, causing thunderous damage and increasing all damage by 5% for 4 seconds.
1 Target