This class uses the purification teachings of the kingdom of zexel to combat especially the undead.
Type Class
Rarity Rare
Enhancement Default Enhancement
Level 1
Stack 1x
Quantity 1x
Shop Cost 0 ZC
Game Quantity +100x
Temporary No
VIP Only No
Marketable Yes
Sellable Yes
Rank C
Offensive Caster
This class uses the purification teachings of the kingdom of zexel to combat especially the undead.
Mana regeneration methods
Uses attacks to regenerate mana by stealing it from the enemy.
Stats description
Good class for fighting more than 1 monster.
This skill uses magic to absorb enemy mana, regenerating 20% of your mana every 3 seconds.
1 Target
Damage Base 10
Mana Cost 0
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Auto
Cooldown 2 seconds
Hit Targets 1x
Mana Increase 20%
Casts an ancient purification spell through words, causing great damage.
2 Target
Damage Base 750
Mana Cost 20
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Magical
Cooldown 3 seconds
Hit Targets 2x
Good energy, uses positive energy to strike a blow on your enemy.
2 Target
Damage Base 850
Mana Cost 30
Distance Near
Affects Enemy
Type Magical
Cooldown 5 seconds
Hit Targets 2x
Affects Enemy
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 1 second
Holy Staff Uses magical staves that appear to strengthen you, regenerating 23% of your life, and reducing 15% of the damage received for 5 seconds and regen 10% you mana.
1 Target
Damage Base 0
Mana Cost 10
Distance Near
Affects Self
Type Magical
Cooldown 4 seconds
Hit Targets 1x
Health Increase 23%
Mana Increase 10%
Affects Self
Maximum Stack 1x
Duration 3 seconds
SelfDamage Resistance +15
Sacred Wave causes a powerful attack using positive energy from your body and strengthening it to the maximum.
3 Target