by alt
Offensive Caster
Brings out your black energy, exert and manipulate it! - Never Miss (Guarantee Hit). - Generate's more mana. - When the aura (Dark Impulse) is applied, everytime the character attacks, the damage of the attack is increased by 100% if the target's health percentage is greater than 40%. This makes the attack more powerful when the target's health is relatively high. This aura only lasts for 2 second).
Never miss.
The Power of Elucidator and Dark Repulser! - Never Miss (Guarantee Hit) - Dark Paralyze has 30% chance to paralyze enemies. Paralyze lasts for 2 seconds.
Never miss.
Kill your enemies with the power of Dark Implosion! -Never Miss (Guarantee Hit)
Never miss.
Dark Elu-Repulser! - Dark Lure!: Aggro all enemies within range. - 1% chance to deal damage based on the target's missing HP; if it lands, heal 50% of that amount. - Dark Barrier!: Reduces damage by 50% for 2s, costing 5% HP per hit. - Darkness is my Power!: Grants 1 stack per use, boosting Physical, Magic power & Crit by 1x (max 10x) for 15s.
1% chance to cause damage based on the difference between the target's maximum and current health. If the attack lands as a "hit" or "crit", the player will also heal themselves by 50% of that difference.
Black Swordsman Passive
Black Swordsman Passive
Unleash the power of Elucidator and Dark Repulser creating such chaotic slashes! - Guarantee Critical Hit - Has 50% chance to reflect incoming damage that lasts for 5 seconds.
Always critical hit.