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Level 132 • 219.18M / 270M (81.18%)
    i3L0od 2 weeks ago
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Hard Farm

badge Alpha Duelist badge Cursed Vanguard


badge Top Donator


badge Baryon Mode badge Darkon Debris of Doom Package (Limited) badge King of Curses badge Ghoul Vanguard


badge Zexel Adventurer badge Haku Saga badge Love Caster
Sorry, you can't access this user's inventory. It's guarded by a powerful dragon that only responds to cheesy pickup lines and puns.
Sorry, this user's inventory bank is off-limits. We hear they keep a rare and valuable artifact in there that could change the course of the game.
This user's timeline is like a forbidden tome of ancient magic. Only the bravest and most daring adventurers can unlock its secrets.
This user's friend list is more exclusive than an elite guild of ninja assassins.